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The benefits of playing a musical instrument.


I am sure you have heard how important playing a musical instrument can be at any age. No matter when you start to play or how serious you are, learning to play any musical instrument can have long-lasting effects on your health, your academic education, and life in general.

Below is a list of some of the many benefits that you or your children can achieve by learning to play. It is never too late to start. Remember in the same way you may do yoga or play a sport, learning to play an instrument doesn't necessarily mean you need to become a professional musician.

Learning to play can be a fun and entertaining way to improve your health and life in general. Have a read and if you don't mind me being an advocate for piano specifically, join me for a piano lesson anytime and reap the benefits of learning to play.

Reduces Stress

Playing a musical instrument can be considered active meditation. Keeping your mind active and 'forgetting' all those problems even for a while can help you reduce stress and reset your mind. Unlike other activities that most people do to unwind, music can archive also a sense of achievement.

Studies have shown that music can lower heart rate, blood pressure and in turn lowers the stress hormone cortisol. This will lead to a feeling of relaxation and calm.

All my adult students agree on is how much better they feel after a piano lesson. I even see how much positive effects playing has on the younger students I teach. Even a short time playing can change your mood and have a positive outcome.

Memory, attention, and concentration

Playing will make your brain work harder. This in turn strengthens your memory power.

Learning to play a musical instrument can enhance verbal memory, spatial reasoning, and literacy skills. Playing an instrument makes you use both sides of your brain, which strengthens memory power. Read more.

Another study has shown that playing a musical instrument throughout life is associated with a lower risk of developing dementia. This has been attributed to increased resilience of the brain in musical training thanks to an active engagement of a wide range of cognitive processes, including the sensory and motor systems.

Yes, it can make you smarter and your brain stronger.

It has been shown that children and even adults with musical training were better at their academic results than their non-trained counterparts.

Both parts of your brain are engaged and not only memory but other skills, such as abstract reasoning are improved. Essential for maths and science.

A study found that professional and amateur musicians have larger gray matter in their brains. The gray matter provides us with processing power. Therefore, the further along in your musical education the more likely you are to have a better processing power.

A very smart man, Einstein once said: “Life without playing music is inconceivable to me. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music... I get most joy in life out of music”.

Watch this TED-Ed video on how playing an instrument benefits your brain.

Playing an instrument is like fireworks going off in your brain. - Dr. Anita Collins.

Builds confidence, discipline, and a sense of achievement.

The face of a proud student that gets their exam results or learns a song on their own is sufficient for me to know that learning to play can improve self-esteem and promote confidence.

Learning music teaches children to work towards short-term goals, develop routines, and practice self-discipline. Setting aside regular time for practice develops commitment and patience. Mastering a new piece of music leads to a sense of pride and achievement, and helps children to learn the value of self-discipline. [1]

As you progress in your musical education and better understand your instrument, you will become naturally more confident.

Also, you are likely to play in front of your teachers, an audience, or for an exam. Playing in public will help manage nerves and encourage confidence in public presentations. A key skill for any academic or social environment.

There is no excuse, no matter how busy you are there is time to practice and enjoy music.

Promotes Creativity

Creativity is one of the biggest things that can affect your daily life. Kids are incredibly creative however, as adults we tend to lose this side as we get busier and life takes over.

Creativity is essential for many parts of life.

Music can give you or your kids a way to express, unleash creativity, be inspired and uplifted, relax, extend these to other parts of life such as work, hobbies, and other learning.

Learning to play a piece does wonders for your creative mind. No matter how much composers want to express their intentions it is hard to convey their true artistic idea. Therefore, a musician needs to aid their own personality to a piece. As well as trying to improvise or compose your own music.

It's Fun

Last but not least, playing is fun. Why not reap all the benefits listed here in a fun and entertaining way?. Take a break from the monotonous scrolling of social media or passive activities that have no mental stimulation or substance. Have fun and be happy, start learning today.

Studies suggest that it is never too late for the brain to benefit from the powers of music, and the more active one engages in music-making, the greater the powers become. It is a fun way to improve your life, have fun and be happy.

Ready to start reaping the benefits? LEARN PIANO Today!

Get in touch with Dan and schedule a piano trial today. It is never too late to start with my in-person or virtual lessons. See you soon.

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Harrison Stewart
11 jul 2023

Music has the power to evoke emotions and uplift moods. Playing an instrument provides a creative outlet for self-expression and can be a source of stress relief. It can boost confidence, self-esteem, and self-discipline, fostering a sense of achievement and personal growth. To increase your popularity as a musician, try to buy tidal plays:

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